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Everything posted by rucus7

  1. rucus7

    Forever Roman

    The victim was paid an undisclosed amount by Roman Polanski. The judge is deceased. My understanding of the plea bargain process is that the judge has latitude in sentencing. In a plea bargain I don't think there is a binding contract. It seems as though he may been have willing spend one year in prison but not three. I cannot rationalize how the rape of a thirteen year old girl is OK because it was thirty years ago. This is not about a statute of limitations, it is about a man that has admitted guilt hiding behind his celebrity.
  2. rucus7

    Forever Roman

    The victim was paid an undisclosed amount by Roman Polanski. The judge is deceased. My understanding of the plea bargain process is that the judge has latitude in sentencing. In a plea bargain I don't think there is a binding contract. It seems as though he may been have willing spend one year in prison but not three. I cannot rationalize how the rape of a thirteen year old girl is OK because it was thirty years ago. This is not about a statute of limitations, it is about a man that has admitted guilt hiding behind his celebrity.
  3. rucus7

    Forever Roman

    The Department of Justice certainly has plenty to do. However, the context of this case should not be forgotten. Roman Polanski plead guilty, not on some whimsical lark. He plead down to sexual intercourse with a minor. A minor in this case was a thirteen year old girl, that he hired as a photographic model. He drugged her with sedatives and alcohol, then had non consensual sex with her. He plead guilty because he wanted to serve less jail time. While on bail awaiting sentencing, he apparently had a change of heart. He fled to Europe. I don't think a question of innocence has been raised. Somehow only forfeiture of bail seems inadequate in this case.
  4. I too tried Roadhouse a couple of weeks ago, when visiting Bangkok, Although it was good, I was a little disappointed. I think I anticipated something more akin to the BBQ I am accustomed to in the U.S. The brisket is indeed better than the pork ribs. All in all it is the best I have had in my five years in Thailand. I had read the Roadhouse web page prior to going, I think the pictures and hype set me up for a let down. It is certainly worth a try however.
  5. During the years Thaksin was Prime Minister the world's economies were stronger, that certainly has nothing to do with Thaksin. The Thai economy and Thaksin's personal wealth are unrelated. You infer that corruption is acceptable, how much corruption is acceptable? How many assassinations were perpetrated during his war on drugs? Are you OK with that too? Ask Thai school teachers how they feel about his attempted changes to education. The list goes on..........
  6. Does "see you in Thailand soon" translate to surrendering for his jail sentence??
  7. How long have you lived in Thailand? What area are you in?
  8. rucus7


    You forgot a day after winning the lottery
  9. rucus7


    I'm glad to hear that. And in your case because you live so perilously close to the edge it probably never will be. You may die young with a hard on, in an alcohol black-out with a fried pork chop in your Pocket and a cigarette burning in the ashtray. Just like Albert Camus
  10. rucus7


    There is a direct correlation between cigarette smoking and impotency. You may end up with a limp pecker that cannot be revived with viagra.
  11. rucus7


    How about your pork consumption?
  12. rucus7


    I don't see it as any different from my love of pork chops and Russian vodka. The difference is moderation, one cigarette per day paralyzes the cilia of the lung, which begins regeneration 72 hours after cessation. I am not aware of any similar detrimental effects with pork or alcohol consumption. When done in moderation. The point being, no amount of smoking is acceptable as being moderate, as related to physical health.
  13. rucus7


    Some, certainly not all, are the same rationalizations I felt when I smoked. Now that I have been an ex-smoker longer than I smoked, I have a different perspective.I clearly was addicted to cigarettes. Perhaps you are not. I am certain the quality of my life has greatly improved. Why do you think such a vast majority of smokers attempt to quit?
  14. rucus7


    I don't want to get arrested, but I do like to smoke. I used to like to smoke so much That I would wake up at 2 or 3 AM most mornings to smoke a cigarette then go back to sleep. I liked to smoke so much I would have a cigarette before getting out of bed in the morning. I liked to smoke so much after 9 years smoking PALL MALL non-filters I switched to CAMEL non-filters for the next 11 years. I liked to smoke so much that when I ran out of cigarettes I would pilfer my ashtrays for good butts to smoke. Those were the good old days when you could still smoke basically anywhere except elevators. However, now it seems as if smoking is socially unacceptable. My question to Smoker is: will you please list some of the reasons you like to smoke? I stopped smoking 23 years ago when I realized I no longer enjoyed it. However,I feel certain I liked smoking very much, or why would I have smoked for 20 years ?
  15. Fox is not a news channel, why should it report news? Fox does well reporting the sensational, perverse and bizarre. Fox can call itself a news channel, a variety channel, a comedy channel, a sports channel a religious channel ETC. It remains a tool of Rupert Murdoch for manipulation of public opinion.
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