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Everything posted by smoker

  1. The Kiwis won't care but who the fuck knows what a Samoan will think. Remember what happened to Tony Rocky Horror.
  2. The problem is that dopamine is released during orgasm, so if you reduced the body's ability to respond to dopamine, you'd ruin sex.
  3. In my experience my staff doesn't care that much if the target is ugly or not.
  4. "I don't need to fight to prove I'm right. I don't need to be forgiven." Best line is rock ever.
  5. smoker

    Forever Roman

    I can't imagine that bothering anyone in France - a country where weird sexual stuff is somewhat expected.
  6. Actually he's not going to pose nude, just in his undies.
  7. "whatevs" "irredgarless." "paris hilton."
  8. smoker

    Forever Roman

    I wonder why they consider him a flight risk.
  9. 1. Brahman 2. Kshatria 3. Vaisia 4. Sudra 5. Untouchable
  10. My feeling is the whole point of being rich and famous is that you can bang someone who is out of your league.
  11. That's been true in France for years, but often you can get the retailer to do a swipe instead of using the (non-existent) chip.
  12. No doubt. He gets all the trim he wants in Harlem and she gets to fly around the world kicking ass.
  13. Beck is more insane than the rest.
  14. 1. The intern is buzzed to bring him a "fresh fish sandwich" for lunch.
  15. smoker

    Forever Roman

    He really couldn't shout from the rooftops. In an effort to get this behind him he made a deal with the girl part of which was that he would not discuss the case or challenge her or her mother publically.
  16. Got Blood's A Rover in the mail yesterday. It starts out: "You carry the seed of belief in you already. You recall the time this narrative captures and sense of conspiracy. I am here to tell you that it is all true and not at all what you think. You will read with some reluctance and capitulate in the end. The following pages will force you to succumb. I am going to tell you everything." Man, I'm going to love this thing.
  17. I think they are pissed off that he's paying for her law school.
  18. Not only do I think they'd do it - i think they'd do it as a way to try to get the pharma companies on board with the health care plan.
  19. I still think this is a calculated overreaction to sell newspapers and make money for pharmaceutical companies.
  20. He and Hillary really don't see much of each other.
  21. 3. Other employees refer to her as "penis breath."
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