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Everything posted by lvdkeyes

  1. lvdkeyes


    I find that being around drunks is a complete bore.
  2. lvdkeyes

    28 Places To

    I have seen 7 so far.
  3. lvdkeyes

    Sleeping Rough

    That's a no-brainer. Of course, the heir to the throne would have body guards. That doesn't deter from what he did to understand the plight of the homeless. The body guards didn't keep him from being cold and sleeping on the pavement.
  4. lvdkeyes


    NO "Christmas cheer" for me and I am not feeling testy at all. You seem to like to pick at words. This is the last comment I will make on this subject. I don't want to turn this into an unpleasant board.
  5. Once again, I have to agree with Bob.
  6. lvdkeyes


    First of all, I said MEXICAN menudo. Secondly, by your own Wikipedia quote you said ""extra red chili peppers for a spicier taste." Diana Kennedy, one of the foremost Anglo authorities on traditional Mexican cuisine, saves the chilies to be used as a topping, affording the diner to make the menudo as hot or as mild as you like it. How many times have you cooked or even tasted menudo? I would venture to say "none".
  7. Shows how uninformed I am on some subjects, I never knew that Angel Falls was named after a person.
  8. Bob, You have such a succinct way of getting your point across.
  9. lvdkeyes


    The question is, Have you ever tasted them?
  10. lvdkeyes


    Menudo is not supposed to be fiery hot. If you leave out the tripe, it wouldn't be menudo. I never understood why people object to tripe. It has a very mild flavor. Maybe it's just the idea of it that bothers some people.
  11. lvdkeyes


    Mexican menudo is purported to help with a hangover. At any rate, it tastes so damn good.
  12. lvdkeyes

    Monkey Island

    There is also monkey hill near Bang Saen where monkeys ( and vendors selling fruit and quail eggs to feed the monkeys). The monkeys seem to love the eggs more than fruit. They roll them on the pavement until they break and then slurp them up.
  13. Unless I missed something, the article says he survived, thankfully.
  14. Thai horror movies are definitely not my thing. US horror movies are not much for me either.
  15. The US Embassy Outreach goes to various places throughout Thailand peridodically and most, not all, services are provided. Living in Pattaya, this is a great service and keeps me from the hassle of a trip to BKK.
  16. It is not a good idea to speculate.
  17. I agree, 4 of us (2 Thais and 2 farang saw it and all enjoyed it.
  18. The article has no validity since it doesn't cover the 100% of the time.
  19. lvdkeyes


    It wouldn't have happened if he had enough sense to use his computer at home. Clearly, he is a bit nuts.
  20. And what about the other 31%?
  21. When I have seen him, which is not often, he has been riding on Pattaya Beach Road.
  22. What's with this farang who rides a tricycle dressed in a gold suit with feathers and streamer on his hat and tricycle? Who is he and what's his game? Just nuts?
  23. lvdkeyes


    His belief in aliens is not what cost him his job. He lost his job because he used school computers for unauthorized purposes costing the school a fortune to fix the problems he created.
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