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2 Year Old Girl Abducted in New Zealand

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What a sad thing, indeed. Which brings me to the question - have you ever seen any of those TODDLER HARNESSES? There are plenty of harness versions - there are ones that have stuff toy backpacks, where the child gets to wear the backpack/stuff toy. There are also other harnesses that are attached to the wrist of the child.

There's a lot of debate (internal debates - as in self debates in mothers and fathers) going on about this. Some parents don't like to use it because they think it's inhumane because it seems as if they're using a dog leash on their kids.

Check This Photo for Harness 1

Check This Photo For Harness 2

What's your take? Would you use a harness out in public if you had a toddler?

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I think it would be far better to have your child on a leash than have a dead child. When I lived in the US many times in supermarket parking lots I cam close to hitting a toddler because the parent didn't have a hold of the kid and he/she ran out in front of my car. Fortunately, I always drove very slowly in parking lots, so I never hit any kid. When a kid did run out in front of me I would give the parent something to think about by asking them if they wanted to see their kid get to college. Of course, if I had ever hit a kid who ran out in front of my car, it would be my fault. I don't know how I could have lived with that.

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What a sad thing to happen! In these times parents cannot let their small children out of their sight.

Maybe in Western countries it is more of a problem? In Thailand, it doesn't seem to be a problem. With the extended family, it seems to me, people watch out and help each other.
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I think it mostly happens to smaller nuclear families with just one or two adults (who are preoccupied with A LOT of other things) watching over the kids. I think it also has something to do with the lack of personal child care services. In the Philippines, even middle class people can afford to hire nannies to watch over their children, so they aren't left out of sight at all.

As a kid, I had a nanny who used a child leash on me. She'd take me to the market and strap the yellow leash on my wrist. To be honest, I liked it. Made me feel more secure. My nanny is now in the United States. Hahaha :-)

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